Fundamental of MongoDB using Python

Rushikesh Lavate
3 min readMay 26, 2021

About MongoDB :

- MongoDB is a NoSQL database, NoSQL stands for Not Only Structured Query Language
- NoSQL databases like MongoDB is put data in JSON format and SQL databases are stored data in tabular format.
- Data is in JSON format it means it is key values pair because this data retrieval in NoSQL is very very faster as compared to SQL
- Table in Mangodb called as Collection and record is called as document
- It supports geospatial query it means it returns longitude and latitude
- It is easily integrated with Big Data Hadoop
- It is easy to install, scalable, high performance
- For High transaction data Mangobd not good

Installing MongoDB (Community Edition):

  • STEP 1: Download the installer file from the download center [Click]
  • STEP 2: Run the installer that you have downloaded
  • STEP 3: Follow along with the installation wizard
  • 1: Choose the setup type Complete
  • 2: Select install MongoDB as a Service
  • STEP 4: Install MongoDB compass (Optional)

Once MongoDB is installed you’ll see the following screens :


Now, Click on New Connection and copy-paste the connection string “mongodb://localhost:27017/” and click on connect.

Installing Python driver for MongoDB :

The PyMongo distribution contains tools for interacting with the MongoDB database from Python.

Use the following command in your command prompt to install pymongo:

- pip install pymongo
- conda install pymongo
- python -m pip install pymongo
  • After installing the driver we need to import it in our python IDE for that use command :
import pymongo
  • Make Connection of MongoDB and Python using driver pymongo:
client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017")
  • Create a new Database name as a demo
db = client[‘demo’]
  • Check a list of databases in MongoDB
  • Create a collection
collection_name = 'FIRST_COLLECTION'
collection = db[collection_name]
  • Insert a single record in the collection
record = {"name":"John","Education":"BE","Phone":798361894619}db.collection.insert_one(record)
  • Find record
Output in MongoDB Compass
  • Insert multiple records in the collection
multi_record = [
  • Find all records
Output in MongoDB Compass

I believe this blog assists you to learn :

  • what is MongoDB?
  • Why we use MongoDB?
  • How to install MongoDB?
  • How to connect MongoDB with python?
  • How to create a Database and Collection in it?

For more knowledge of MongoDB please take a glance at the official documentation.



Rushikesh Lavate

Working as a Data Engineer. Bringing experience in Python, SQL. I have developed applications using Python, MySQL, MongoDB, Data Science, and Machine Learning.